369 research outputs found


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    Stick to the required rules and standards of multiple choice test assessment, the study seeks to analyze the multiple choice test questions administered for Indonesian EFL learners at a junior high school. A careful analysis was given to the items of a summative multiple choice of English midterm test. Using the classical test theory (CTT) in analyzing each test item, it was found that only 23 percent of the total of the analyzed items are acceptable or have adopted the standards or the rules required. There are two identified major problems or causes to the poor quality of the test: distractor plausibility and limitedness in the number of possible options or distractors. To deal with the problems, the study suggests the using of fewer possible options or alternatives for such test for better assessment


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    This study investigated students‟ motivation in speaking through Contextual Teaching Learning (CTL) at a junior high school in Bogor, West Java. The procedures of action research: plan, act, observe, reflect, and revise were used to investigate the participants‟ learning activities and motivation. The study was conducted in two cycles involving two on-site English teachers. Data were collected through the teacher’s journal, observers‟ sheets, students‟ diaries, and questionnaires. The results of the research indicated that students‟ motivation in speaking could be improved through exposure to a variety of learning activities that connect the learning activities to the students‟ lives and experiences. Finally, the results of the study are expected to have a contribution to developing students to be motivated language learners


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    This paper aims to discuss vocabulary and cartoon video, and how to teach vocabulary by using cartoon video. Cartoons are designed not only to entertain children, but cartoons can be also used to teach and educate children. In order to find the relationship between cartoon and education, the writer writes a paper which the title is “The Use of Cartoon in Teaching Students Vocabulary”. It has a purpose to help children in learning English, more specifically it aims to improve English vocabulary for children whose age are between seven years old to fourteen years old.The method of the research is quantitative research in design experiment class and control class.The Reseacher could take conclusion that there was a significant between experiment class and control class, The mean of experiment class is greater than the mean of control class ( 77,25> 57,75). on the other hand, the test of hypothesis using t-test formula shows the value of t-test is greater than the value of the t-table. The value of t-test is 3,712 while the value of t-table on t-table in degree of freedom of 38 with level of significant of 0.01 is 2,42. The hypothesis is accepted.Based on the result of this study, it is accepted to be a good information for many teachers espesially English teachers. It is one solution to be used as appropiate method in teaching learning proses. It could be an alternative that could be used in teaching

    Soft Neutrosophic Group

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    The research is aimed at exploring the students’ perception on the use of video in learning English language during pandemic. It deploys a qualitative research framework with the instrument used for data collection include, diary and interviews. The participants were a group of English students at a Junior High School in Bogor. The findings show that the students perceived the use of video as an engaging, motivating, and interesting media for their language learning. Their positive perception on the use of video is based on some advantages offered by the video that covers motivation, engagement, flexibility, and operability. The result also affirms video can facilitate students’ language learning during the current Covid-19 pandemic. Therefore, it is suggested that using video is highly recommended in this situation where teaching and learning activities are required to be conducted online

    The Phenomenon of Punishment at Pesantren in South Sulawesi: An Islamic Law and Islamic Education Approaches

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    Pesantren (Islamic boarding school) is an educational institution in Indonesia that instills Islamic values in its students. In pesantren, the punishment given to students aims not to hurt, but to contain educational values. This study aims to analyze the application of punishment in pesantren. This research is qualitative with Islamic law and Islamic education approaches. The informants comprised several teachers and students of Pondok Pesantren DDI Mangkoso, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Data were collected through observation, interview, and documentation, then analyzed using the descriptive analysis technique. The results showed that the forms of punishment applied to Islamic boarding schools were reprimands, assignments, and psychological and physical punishments. Punishment in Islamic boarding schools includes ta‘zīr in Islamic law. Even though there are written rules, in some cases, the implementation of ta‘zīr is very simple (depending on the subjectivity of the kiai or teacher), so it lacks legal certainty and only aims to give a deterrent effect to perpetrators. According to Islamic education, the punishments applied by Islamic boarding schools have met the objectives of implementing educational sanctions, namely a deterrent effect for the perpetrators and a deterrent for others. Therefore, legal certainty is not the main goal in determining and implementing punishment in Islamic boarding schools, but to improve the students’ scientific and moral quality. This research has implications for teacher innovation and various methods in Islamic boarding school education so that students participate in the educational process willingly and happily, not because they are forced or afraid of punishment

    Soft Neutrosophic Algebraic Structures and Their Generalization

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    Study of soft sets was first proposed by Molodtsov in 1999 to deal with uncertainty in a non-parametric manner. The researchers did not pay attention to soft set theory at that time but now the soft set theory has been developed in many areas of mathematics. Algebraic structures using soft set theory are very rapidly developed. In this book we developed soft neutrosophic algebraic structures by using soft sets and neutrosophic algebraic structures. In this book we study soft neutrosophic groups, soft neutrosophic semigroups, soft neutrosophic loops, soft neutrosophic LA-semigroups, and their generalizations respectively.Comment: 264 page

    New Research on Neutrosophic Algebraic Structures

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    In this book, we define several new neutrosophic algebraic structures and their related properties. The main focus of this book is to study the important class of neutrosophic rings such as neutrosophic LA-semigroup ring, neutrosophic loop ring, neutrosophic groupoid ring and so on. We also construct their generalization in each case to study these neutrosophic algebraic structures in a broader sense. The indeterminacy element “ I “ gives rise to a more bigger algebraic structure than the classical algebraic structures. It mainly classifies the algebraic structures in three categories: such as neutrosophic algebraic structures, strong neutrosophic algebraic structures, and classical algebraic structures respectively. This reveals the fact that a classical algebraic structure is a part of the neutrosophic algebraic structures. This opens a new way for the researchers to think in a broader way to visualize these vast neutrosophic algebraic structures. This book is a small attempt to do this job


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan: (1) mengetahui penguasaan kosakata bahasa Indonesia peserta didik di kelas III SDN 10 Redak Kabupaten Enrekang, (2) mengetahui kemampuan menuliscerita peserta didik di kelas III SDN 10 Redak Kabupaten Enrekang, (3) menganalisis pengaruh penguasaan kosakata bahasa Indonesia terhadap kemampuan menulis ceritapeserta didik di kelas III SDN 10 Redak Kabupaten Enrekang. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan jenis penelitian expost facto. Populasi dalam penelitian iniadalah seluruh peserta didik kelas III SDN 10 Redak Kabupaten Enrekang. Sampel dipilih menggunakan teknik sampling jenuh, sehingga sampel dalam penlitian ini adalah seluruhpopulasi. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah tes pilihan ganda untuk penguasaan kosakata bahasa Indonesia dan soal esai untuk kemampuan menulis cerita peserta didikkelas III SDN 10 Redak, Kabupaten Enrekang. Adapun teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis statistik deskriptif dan analisis statistik inferensial. Hasil yangdiperoleh adalah penguasaan kosakata bahasa Indonesia peserta didik kelas III SDN 10 Redak Kabupaten Enrekang berada pada kategori sedang dengan skor rata-rata sebesar74,15 dan kemampuan menulis cerita peserta didik kelas III SDN 10 Redak Kabupaten Enrekang berada pada kategori sedang dengan skor rata-rata 74,10. Kemudian, hasilanalisis statistik inferensil diperoleh fhit = 7,123 dengan taraf signifikannya 0,016 < 0,05, maka dari itu H0 ditolak dan Ha diterima. Dengan demikian, terdapat pengaruh penguasaankosakata bahasa Indonesia terhadap kemampuan menulis cerita peserta didik kelas III SDN 10 Redak Kabupaten Enrekang
